Graphical User Interface

The Main Window contains many useful user interface elements. This section describes the Menu, Toolbar, List View Pane, and Tab View Pane.

Menu Selections


New Ctrl+N Creates an empty, new project file (.ivs). An IVS file contains Effect objects with parameter data for haptic Effects and Multimedia objects with links to multimedia files.
Open Ctrl+O Brings up file selection dialog for browsing and opening IVS files.
Save Ctrl+S Save the active document.
Save As Save the active document either with a new filename or in a new location.
Convert From The Convert From feature takes non-vibration media files and generates effects to match the media file.
Import The Import feature translates haptic information from non-IVS file format into IVS format. This converted data is added to the active document.
Export Export data. The IVS objects in the active document are exported to a file that can be accessed by the .
Exit Closes the application.
Recently Opened Files List Lists the most recently opened IVS files.


Undo Ctrl+Z Returns the object to the state prior to the last change.
Cut Ctrl+X Cuts a selected item from the List View Pane.
Copy Ctrl+C Copies a selected item in the List View Pane.
Paste   Pastes a copied or cut item in the List View Pane. There are two choices when pasting from the File menu: Effects and Referenced Effects (Ctrl-V); and Effects Only (Shift+Ctrl+V).
New   Provides selections for creating a new Effect or Multimedia object.
Edit Enter Opens the object editor for the currently selected item in the List View.
Delete Del Deletes the currently selected item in the List View.


Toolbar   Enables and disables the display of the Toolbar.
Status Bar   Enables and disables the display of the Status Bar.
Icon   Radio selection for the List View. Icon displays large icons with labels in the List View.
List   Radio selection for the List View. List displays small icons with labels in the List View.
Details   Radio selection for the List View. Details hides the Editor Tab View and displays the parameters for Basis effects in a table. The parameters in each cell can be edited.
Refresh F5 Updates the List and Tab View with the data in the active document.


Play Ctrl + Spacebar Play the selected effect. If the Tab View has focus, the item in the active tab is played. If the List View has focus, the selected List View object is played regardless of which tab is active in the Tab View.
Stop   Stop the selected effect. If the Tab View has focus, the item in the active tab is stopped. If the List View has focus, the selected List View object is stopped regardless of which tab is active in the Tab View.
Refresh Device List   Update the device list combo box on the Toolbar.


Cascade   Arranges the Open files in a stack.
Tile   Arranges and resizes the Open files so all can be viewed at once in the Main application window.
Open Files List   List of all the currently open files. Selecting a file from this list makes that file the active document.


Help   Opens the application's Help file.
License...   View or update your license information.
About ...   Displays a dialog with the application's version information.

Toolbar Buttons

New Creates an empty, new project file (.ivs). An IVS file contains Effect objects with parameter data for haptic Effects and Multimedia objects with links to multimedia files.
Open Brings up file selection dialog for browsing and opening IVS files.
Save Save the active document.
Cut Removes a selected item in the List View Pane.
Copy Copies selected items in the List View Pane.
Paste Pastes copied or cut items in the List View Pane.
Tab ViewToggle / Views Dropdown The Tab View toggle enables and disables the display of the Tab View pane.

The dropdown feature of this Toolbar button allows the user to select the display type (Icon, List, Details) of the List View.
New Periodic Add a new Periodic to the active document.
New MagSweep Add a new MagSweep to the active document.
New Waveform Add a new Waveform to the active document.
New Timeline Add a new Timeline to the active document.
New Multimedia Link Add a new Multimedia link to the active document.
Play Play the selected effect. If the Tab View has focus, the item in the active tab is played. If the List View has focus, the selected List View object is played regardless of which tab is active in the Tab View.
Stop Stop the selected effect. If the Tab View has focus, the item in the active tab is stopped. If the List View has focus, the selected List View object is stopped regardless of which tab is active in the Tab View.
Device Dropdown Selects a device from dropdown list of available devices
Refresh button Refresh the list of devices detected by the .
Help Opens the application's Help file.

List View Pane

Located in the left pane, the List View displays all the objects contained in the IVS file. Objects can be added to or deleted from the list through Menu or Toolbar actions.

Choices for the display type for the List View include:

The Icon view displays the large icon for each object along with the name of the object.

The List view displays the small icon for each object along with the name of the object.

The Details view displays the small icon for each object and also displays all the parameters for each Basis effect.

Drag and Drop Audio Files into

It is possible to drag audio files (MP3, MP4, MIDI, K3G, SKM, AAC, and WAV) from Windows Explorer and open it directly in . To do this, Open Windows Explorer and drag the desired file icon from Windows Explorer into . The audio file and its components then appear in the List View of .

Tab View Pane

Located in the right pane, the Tab View displays Editors for objects in the List View. An Editor for an object is opened by selecting Edit from the Edit Menu or by double-clicking on the object in the List View.

Many editors may be opened, and the active tab indicates the name of the effect currently being edited. To switch to an editor for another object, select the corresponding Tab. To close a Tab, click the "x" button on the upper right corner of the Editor. In addition, right-clicking over a Tab displays a popup menu that has selections for closing one editor or closing all editors.

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