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 Translation | Words Translator | Fix for non English users | Narrattor Additional files

How to translate iFeelPixel interface? (Stand-by)

To translate iFeelPixel, you should follow the following simple steps:

1. Start iFeelPixel.

2. Open the following Menu: File > Change Language.

3. Click Language List. The requested list box will appear on iFeelPixel window:

4. Select a package in the list box to load a language.

5. Done! Congratulations! iFeelPixel should be translated into your language. Enjoy!

Note for international users: English language is currently the only language available. We will add more language packs to load as soon as possible. Thanks for your understanding.


Words Translator (Stand-by)

If you want help us to translate iFeelPixel interface into your own language, please translate the text box below then send us your translation in a text file (Txt extension).

Note for internet explorer users: For the online translation, "Script to script" must be enabled in internet explorer settings.

Tooltip Text used in iFeelPixel software:

» Powered by Google Translation


Captions used in iFeelPixel software:

» Powered by Google Translation


Text used in iFeelPixel software:

» Powered by Google Translation


The following instructions are only here for version before 1.6.1

Upgrade your version of iFeelPixel Software to the latest version or continue reading...

Fix For Non English Users issue: International compatibility with international version of MicroSoft Windows

iFeelPixel Software for non-English users

ATTENTION non-English computer users...
If you are using a non-English computer system, iFeelPixel may experience errors due to incompatible localized language settings. This can cause Boolean values to be translated to a language other than English which prevents the application from working properly by creating invalid statements and registry settings.

To correct this problem, you must create one or more zero-length text file with the following file names (depending on the language your computer is using) and place it in the iFeelPixel application directory.

vb6FR.dll (French)
vb6DE.dll (German)
vb6IT.dll (Italy)
vb6JP.dll (Japan)
vb6KO.dll (Korean)
vb6ES.dll (Spain)
vb6CHS.dll (Chinese)
vb6CHT.dll (Chinese - Traditional)

AND, you must also create a zero-length text file with the following name and place it in the iFeelPixel application directory.


These empty "dummy" files will prevent iFeelPixel from using the localized language settings and keep all activity in English. Note: theses files increase the CPU process of iFeelPixel executable and may slow down the iFeelPixel application. Use them with caution.

Download the international package for iFeelPixel

It may also be necessary to clean up any registry settings that were stored for iFeelPixel that might have been translated to a language other than English. To check your registry settings for iFeelPixel open the system registry using the Windows regedit.exe application and review the settings under the following key.


All entries under this key should be in English. For example, if any are French (Vrai or Faux) then they need to be changed to English (True or False).


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Language List