
contains two categories of effects. This section describes the Basis and Timeline effects and explains how these effects are related.

Basis Effects

Basis effects are the building block effects. They are the simplest effects that can be created and played. Basis effects can be played one at a time, or they can be used to build a complex Timeline Effect. There are two types of Basis effects - MagSweep and Periodic


MagSweep A MagSweep effect drives the device actuator(s) at a constant or variable rate. The parameters for a MagSweep effect include:
  • Duration
  • Magnitude
  • Style
  • Actuator Index
  • Attack Time
  • Attack Level
  • Fade Time
  • Fade Level
Periodic A Periodic effect plays a cyclic effect at a specified frequency. The parameters for a Periodic effect include:
  • Period
  • Duration
  • Magnitude
  • Style
  • Wavetype (meaningful for high-bandwidth actuators only)
  • Actuator Index
  • Attack Time
  • Attack Level
  • Fade Time
  • Fade Level
Waveform A Waveform effect defines the actuator drive signal from the contents of a WAV file. The parameters for a Waveform effect include:
  • File Path
  • Magnitude
  • Sampling Rate
  • Bit Depth
  • Actuator Index

The Reference contains more details for creating and modifying MagSweep and Periodic effects.

Timeline Effect

A Timeline effect contains information for playing complex haptic effects. Timeline effects contain Launch Events and Repeat Events.

Launch Events specify start times for playing an effect along with optional override parameters. The effect data contained in a Launch Event is based on the Basis effect from which it was created.

Repeat Events specify a range of time within a Timeline effect. The Launch Events that fall within the timeframe of a Repeat Event will be played several times. The number of iterations for a Repeat Event determines the number of times the Launch Events will be played.


Timeline A Timeline Effect can contain Launch Events and Repeat Events.

  • Launch Events
    • Start time
    • Basis Effect parameter overrides
  • Repeat Events
    • Range of time
    • Number of iterations

The Reference contains more details for creating and modifying a Timeline effect.


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