------------------------------- Changes Since 0.4 Beta
New Features:
can replace an effect by another effect.
If you
need to choose a tactile effect, please follow these steps:
Open the media center:
File >> Media Center
Select the extension:
("*.ifr" for Immersion Force Resource)
Choose your drive, browse, select a folder, select a file (e.g.
<hotsamp.ifr>) then select an effect (e.g. <vague>
can apply a filter on effects:
You can play and stop the effect
(if you don't feel tactile sensations, something is wrong...)
You can apply 1 tactile effect per feature
Please select a feature:
e.g. <edge, line & corner>
IFR file:
e.g. <F:\Program Files\iFeelPixel\ifr\hotsamp.ifr>
B. If you need to choose a media file, please follow these steps:
Open the media center:
File >> Media Center
Select the extension:
("Media Files" replaces "*.ifr")
Choose your drive, browse, select a folder, and select a file (e.g.
You can play and stop the file
(if you don't hear the sound, something is wrong...)
You can apply 1 sound per feature (Removed in version 0.9.0)
Please select a feature:
e.g. <edge, line & corner>
Media file:
e.g. <F:\Program Files\iFeelPixel\sound\edge.mp3>
you can try to choose and interact with a movie (avi, mpeg, divX,
dvd, etc...)
Same steps as above + click on the "Home Theater" button
to view them.
feature: Sound playback speed
Increase or decrease sound speed, like the "bullet time"
in Matrix movie or Max Paine video game;-)
Audio (Renamed to "Sound Feedback" in beta 0.8)
Sound generated by sound card (Updated in version 0.9.0)
any media file like mp3, wav, mid, avi, mpeg, mov, divX, dvd, etc...
See Media Center.
(complementary/alternative of tactile effects generated by TouchSense
>> Real Audio (Renamed to "Sound Feedback" in beta 0.8)
- iFeelSmiley
updated: "send title to morse" and "send text to
morse" depends on character length in Morse options. No more
"Start" and "Stop" button.
- Color
detection updated: you can enter your own colors (Sound files or
Tactile effects)
updated: No more "Start" and "Stop" button.
Cursor position on screen.
- Morse
updated: magnitude range (1000-10000). Reset magnitude to 5000.
New Options
- no
new option window in this version
4. Optimizations
RAM (updated
in version 0.6)
time when you start an application, the application 'borrows' the
memory. When you exit the application, it will sometimes 'forget'
to 'return' the memory to the system. Thus, the free memory available
on your system will be less until you reboot your system. To over
come this problem, you need a feature to optimize and recover the
'lost' memory. iFeelPixel finds the Total Physical Memory (RAM)
in Mega-octet (Mo) and calculate optimization in percent (%)
- "Tactilize"
renamed to "Select" in the File menu.
- Right-click
on iFeelPixel icon systray to Launch Real Audio:
effects >> Real Audio
- "About"
- Text
options updated
- Messages
box updated
- Save/Restore
settings updated: e.g. volume slider reset to 100%
- Status
bar updated
- Tooltip's
- Tab
index updated
- Links updated
- error
handler and line number(for code source) updated
- No
more message box on exit, but a nag-screen
(please make a donation, to take away this Nag screen)
- iFeelPixel
icon systraytooltip updated: "Thanks for using iFeelPixel,
please make a donation"
6.Know issues
- Media
Center Status bar: filenames are incorrectly displayed, if "randomize"
or "shuffle" are enabled (Fixed
beta 5.1)
- Media
Center: a bug sometimes occurs if Restore settings button is clicked
(Fixed beta 5.1)
- "Automation
Error: Library is not registered" (Package
Fixed 12/12/03)
- "Select
a part of screen" doesn't works with Morse, TONAR, Narrator
and iFeelSmiley features (Fixed)
- TouchSense
mouse detection and loading stopped: (Fixed)
If there is no TouchSense mouse detected, an alert message box appears
on the splash screen
- iFeelPixel
closes Immersion TouchWare Desktop before proceeding (Fixed)
- Unselect
"Follow mouse" doesn't work in Morse, iFeelSmiley, TONAR
options (Fixed)
- During
start-up the "Stop" button is pressed but texture effect
is playing(Fixed)
- Annoyance:
during the loading, clipboard to speech, clipboard to Morse and
some others functions based on timer interval are enabled (Fixed)
The "Stop" button is pressed but effects are playing:
Right-click on iFeelPixel icon systray
effects >> Edge OR Line OR Color
- "Line"
and "corner" buttons are pressed on the toolbar, but they
are disabled. (Fixed)
- After
a few time "Demo mode" can't be disabled by a left click
Alternative: you can use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+F12 to disable
Immersion plugin limitation: some tactile effects (i.e. compounds,
etc...) doesn't change gain.
Helpful alternative: you can also customize
the sensation and strength of all effects within Immersion
TouchWare Desktop through the TouchWare
control panel.
Currently Features:
- Edge detection
- Line detection
- Corner detection
- Color
- Tactile Grid
- Texture Generation
- Magnifier
- Demo Mode
- Limit zone
- Select part of screen
- iFeelSmiley
- Morse
- Narrator
- Internal PC speakers
- Real Audio (New!)
- Media center (New!)
- Optimize
RAM (New!)
- Modify manually iFeelPixel CPU priority