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Tactile Mobile | TouchSense Force VR | Novint Falcon 3D haptic device | Video Sonification

iFeelPixel™ (Product for Personal Computer users)

Rival 700 Tactile Feedback

iFeelPixel TactileWare is compatible with many haptic devices available on the market. Every day, there are several thousand new pictures appearing on the web. With a simple download, all pictures will now have force feedback!

Haptics improves the user's application experience. High-Definition haptic effects produce an even better experience. iFeelPixel uses Immersion TouchSense Technology for TouchSense mouse and it supports SteelSeries Rival Gaming Mouse with Tactile Alerts.

New Video! Tactile Images: feeling the relief of images (english version, french version)
Pseudo-haptic with a simple mouse, Perception of depth and textures on images.

Have you ever dreamt of feeling the relief of images with a simple mouse? Now, it's possible!
iFeelPixel TactileWare contains some demonstrations and pseudo-haptic experiments
with visual force feedback.


Tactile Mobile (Product for Android Smartphone & Tablet users)

Tactile Mobile for Tablet

Haptic Application developped for Android platform.

Integrated with Immersion Haptic Feedback.

Tactile Mobile Applications are available on Android Market.

Watch the video of demonstration on iFeelPixel channel.

For more information, please visit


TouchSense® Force for Gaming and Virtual Reality

Design advanced haptic experiences for multiple platforms at once. And create peripherals that bring them to life. Can’t wait to get your hands on TouchSense Force for Game Developers? Feel Sample Haptic Effects for Gaming or Download AutoOculusTouch.

Nintendo Switch Pro Controller By Evan-Amos - Own work, Public Domain,

Occulus Touch Controller

TouchSense Force Lets Devs Create Better Haptic Feedback On Oculus Touch (Source: UploadVR)

Immersion demos latest touch-feedback technology

Samsung Omnia Touchscreen Phone

iFeelPixel uses Immersion VibeTonz Technology (Demo requires USB Handset)
VibeTonz Instructions - VibeTonz Demonstration - VibeTonz Sample Application

Immersion recently:

  • TouchSense Force Lets Devs Create Better Haptic Feedback On Oculus Touch
  • Immersion Reveals TouchSense Force for Better Touch Feedback in Games
  • Immersion’s TouchSense Technology Used In Nintendo Switch
  • Announced its TouchSense® 2500 solution, a new haptics solution in the TouchSense 2000 series that powers touch feedback effects in touch screen computers.
  • Announced that Toshiba Corporation has licensed Immersion's TouchSense system. The first product to integrate Immersion's haptics is the libretto® W100, the world's first dual-touchscreen Windows mini-notebook PC
  • The Lenovo Yoga Book with 'Halo' digital keyboard and pen stylus is the craziest PC yet
  • The Thinnest Laptop in the World Needs a Touchscreen Keyboard

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For more information about haptic technology, see Immersion TouchSense Fundamentals: Web Computing or Third party software


Novint Falcon (Gaming Haptic Device)

Novint Falcon Side View

“There’s no question that the Novint Falcon has an opportunity to become a must-have controller for hardcore PC gaming fans." – PC Gamer

Novint Videos and Podcast Novint falcon pistol grip bundle

"For those of you out there that have not tried the Novint Falcon technology, it’s one of those things that you simply can’t convey on television because it’s touch. It’s absolutely amazing I think it’s really going to enhance a lot of games."
Adam Sessler, Host, G4’s XPlay

iFeelPixel is an application designed to create force feedback sensations based on pictures elements (pixel) or device button presses.

Simply leave it running in the background, and any image generated by your computer will be represented with a matching sensation on an Immersion TouchSense device or Novint Falcon.

iFeelPixel works with all games, all applications, and any other Windows program that has image.

Novint Falcon Options

For more information, see Immersion TouchSense Fundamentals: Gaming or Novint F-Gen


iFeelPixel™ & The vOICe (Video Sonification): products for visually impaired

Download the vOICe! Logitech iFeel Mouse (USB)

Used at a time, iFeelPixel and The vOICe are helping visually impaired persons (facilitating computer access by simplifying the use of the mouse). Those softwares are using the most modern Sonification technologies and most current Haptic technologies.

"Already it is known that auditory as well as tactile stimuli
can activate the visual cortex of blind people..."

Dr. Peter B.L. Meijer, Philips Research Laboratories

Requirements: Haptic devices for blind individuals

Transform Image into Sound


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