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Change List for iFeelPixel TactileWare
iFeelPixel version 1.9.0
Compatible with TouchSense Devices, SmartPhones and Novint Falcon.
"The universal multimodal interface access: Interactive Accessibility via Haptic Technology"
In association with INRIA
(The French National Institute for research in Computer Science and Control)
Keywords: HyperLink, VibeTonz, Visual Force Feedback, Rumble Feedback, Tactile Mobile, Tactile Feedback, Auditory Feedback, Full Force Feedback, Multimodal Interface, Novint Falcon, Smartphones
Release Date: September 10, 2015 (Status: Stable release for Falcon and TouchSense)
(C) Copyright iFeelPixel Association, all rights reserved, protected by:
Inter Deposit Digital Number (IDDN) certificate from Agency for the Protection of Programs
(R) iFeelPixel is a legal trademark registered at
· Readme
· Mouse (computing) definition from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:
of Contents
New Features
2. Updated Options
3. New Options
4. Optimizations
5. Others updates
6. Know issues
7. Available Features
Changes Since 0.9 Beta
New Features:
- Windows 10 Compatible with Full Force Feedback enabled (Novint Falcon drivers) (v.1.9.0)
- Augmented Operating System notification service via cursor State (v.1.9.0)
- HyperTouch: HyperLink Detection for browsers / Custom Cursor Detector (v.1.9.0)
- Windows 8 Compatible! New setup includes a Desktop composition disabler (v.1.8.1)
- Tactile Mobile: Creates Tactile effects for your smartphone with VibeTonz Technology.
To date, more than 100 million handsets with Immersion's high-fidelity, programmable haptics technology have shipped around the world.
iFeelPixel software lets mobile phone users design their own haptic effects to personalize touch feedback. Touch feedback makes the mobile phone user experience more sensory, intuitive, useful, fun and allows users to feel a computer screen anywhere. (v.1.0.0).
From its "Tactile Mobile" option, iFeelPixel lets users create personalized haptic effects through a graphical user interface based on the conventions of Immersion's VibeTonz(R) Studio authoring tool for developers. Users can modify wave shape, duration, and intensity to create distinctive vibrational patterns. These creations let users personalize their phone with unique haptic experiences.
Designed to make mobile communications more personal, natural and fun, Immersive Messaging is an experience that enables people to share emotions, thoughts, ideas and short pieces of information in real time through physical senses rather than simple text, using a shared physical space on their mobile device. A video demonstration of Immersive Messaging is available at
"Touch technology is the future of user experience for digital devices. By combining our proven haptics with advanced gestural technology, we are significantly advancing usability for all kinds of consumer electronics products, especially mobile phones and other portables," said Clent Richardson, chief executive officer of Immersion. "We're turning the science of haptics and gesture into revolutionary solutions for our partners and for consumers. The concepts we unveiled here today not only address fundamental challenges device makers face, but also point to an inevitable shift toward more natural, intimate and amusing digital connections to the people in our lives. Through our technology, our device partners can delight people in completely new and very personal ways.
Source: Immersion Demonstrates Future of Mobile User Experience at The Wall Street Journal's All Things Digital Conference
Samsung's Haptic 2 Phone First to Use Immersion's VibeTonz® System for User Design of Touch Feedback
- New multimodal file menubar
I. Visual Force Feedback (To enable pseudo-haptic effects with a simple mouse, Optical illusion)
II. Haptic feedback is divided into 4 parts:
1. Rumble Feedback (To enable Rumble effects for Nintendo Wiimote).
2. Vibro-Tactile Feedback (To enable Vibro-Tactile effects for Tactile Mobiles).
3. Tactile Feedback (To enable Tactile effects for TouchSense devices).
4. Force Feedback (To enable force effects for Novint Falcon).
III. Auditory Feedback is divided into 3 parts:
1. Sound Card Feedback
2. Internal Speakers
3. Narrator Voices
Multi-modal feedback including the sensation of touch proved to significantly increase speed and reduce error rates.
Updated Options
TONAR and "Mouse Limitation" are compatible with "Boutons detection" (v.1.7.1)
- New Color options: Single pixel selection, 3*3 pixel average, 5*5 pixel average (v.1.7.0)
- Remote control the Falcon with the mouse (New Feature in TONAR settings) (v.1.6.3)

- Menu added in metronome settings: Monitor Selection, Sound Keyboard (v.1.6.2)
- Metronome Settings updated: AutoClick feature, Cursor Motion Detection, New sounds feedback (v.1.6.1)
- Force Settings updated with "Mouse Acceleration" (registry keys to disable or enable cursor acceleration on windows) (v.1.5.3)
- Force Settings Speed informations updated: Centisecond is replaced by second (v.1.5.3)
- Grid Options: weight simulator allows to simulate the weight of an object (icons, windows) if any button is pressed (v.1.5.0)
- Texture Options: New Texture Detectors to extract texture features (v.1.4.4)
- Texture Options: Magnitude Amplificator Slider updated (v.1.4.0)

To unlock the Advanced Texture feature, the Professional edition of iFeelPixel TactileWare is required.
- We added the Z-axis in the Grip option and Texture option (Useful for 3D force feedback). (v.1.1.1)
- Edge Detection: Automatic or Manual Periodic effect (v.1.0.0)
- Color Detection: Haptic Force (Novint Falcon) and Tactile Duration Slider added (v.1.0.0)
- Color Detection: User can select between 4 methods of color generation (Intensity, Hue, Saturation, Luminance v.1.2.3)

- Novint Falcon Options (v.1.5.3)
- Novint Falcon Settings Updated (See "Buttons Pressions" Tab).
- The latest F-gen/NVeNt/HDAL is recommended and should be installed on your machine. The software can detect if the new Novint Driver is correctly installed on the machine. It runs even if latest HDAL files are not installed or missing.
- You can disable or enable gravity compensation directly from Novint Falcon Options.
- This version is fixing some issues between the cursor accuracy and Z-axis. Thus, Tactile sensations have been improved.
- The default force settings have been modified. We recommend to reset settings to default if you installed a previous version on your machine. (v.1.5.0)
- The following features: Edge detection, Color detector, Tactile Grid, Texture generation and TONAR (windows attraction) have been updated and improved. The new tactile grid can be useful if others features cannot detect any pixel of interest (For example: overlay video).
- By default, all Novint buttons will not generate force feedback if a pression is detected (v.1.2.3)
- The user can choose between absolute grip position or relative grip position (Relative position is useful to know the grip direction).
The Novint Algorithm developed for iFeelPixel software is based on the
Novint HDAL Programmer's Guide about Newton's second law and how to
generate automatically force feedback effects (mass, mass-damper,
spring-mass-damper and mass-acceleration).
It gives pretty good results and the mass effect is customizable by the
user in every option. Thus, the buttons pressions are useful for
drag-and-drop operation on screen. The usability has been improved
and more people (blind and gamers) could be interested.

Falcon Commands:
- Uninitialize Falcon
- Initialize Falcon
Control Mouse
- Gravity Compensation
- Clear Forces
- Force Settings
- Reset Falcon Settings
The software automatically set the Falcon to control the mouse upon launch.
- New Automatic Force Feedback Checkbox:
Checked = the Force is automatically generated by the velocity or acceleration (Recommended)
Unchecked = Manual Force.
Selection choices: mass, mass-damper, spring-mass-damper or mass-acceleration.
Mass is the quantity of inertia possessed by an object or the proportion between force and acceleration refered to in Newton's second law of Motion.
The force feedback is more consistent when "Mass" is selected. The others algorythms are based on the Grip speed value. If the speed is more than 0, the force is increased.
The force settings can be adjusted on the "Force settings" window, "Novint Falcon settings" window, feature options or strength slider.
- You can control Zoom Magnifier with Z-axis of the Novint Falcon + Possibility to disable/enable every axis (every axis can have his own Mass/Force).
+ Possibility to disable/enable every position.
+ Possibility to disable/enable every button.
- Use Novint Falcon 'Top Button' to: + Switch between Attraction, Normal, Repulsion (Primary effects).
+ Disable\Enable Mouse control
+ Switch between Mass, Damper, Spring and Acceleration (Secondary effects)
+ Show Shortcut Menu
- Falcon Army (Novint Falcon Community), Haptic Gaming (3D Touch Games),
Novint Falconers (Steam Group)
- Novint Advanced Product Group:
Novint’s Advanced Products Group is building on Novint’s early success in the games market to build applications involving user interaction with 3D computer data, models or environments in other markets including medical & military simulation & training, simulation/visualization, geoscientific, architecture/design, automotive, and telerobotics.
The Value of Haptics
* Improved productivity & efficiency
* Engaging environment increases skill retention
* Improved interpretation and decision making
* Versatility & reconfigurability maximizes cost effectiveness
- Novint Falcon Hardware Requirement:
You need a Novint Falcon to feel the Force Feedback with iFeelPixel.
- Novint Falcon Software Requirement:
You need to download and install Novint Falcon F-Gen drivers.
- The software can detect if the Novint Driver is correctly installed on
the machine.
- Novint Falcon Calibration:
When starting this software, the Falcon shows a red light, which means that the controller is initiated but has not been calibrated. It does this each time a software is started. To calibrate: Push the handle as far as you can inwards towards the light display with the Novint logo. Pull the handle straight out against you. Repeat until the Novint logo turns blue.
- Novint Falcon FAQs
- Novint Falcon Support
Special thanks to Novint (Bill Anderson, Tom Anderson, Jonathan Miller, Christopher McGeorge, John Tsoupanarias) for the Novint Hardware and the haptic library.
- TONAR updated: cursor is attracted by windows, user can select any window size (v.1.2.3)
- TONAR direction detection optimized. This is useful to know the direction of the cursor (Horizontal: Right or Left, Vertical: Up or Down). This is also useful for Grid, Texture and visual force feedback. (v.1.0.0)
New Options
- Advanced Color Selector for the professional version (v.1.2.3)

- Tactile Mobile Option (v.1.0.0)

VibeTonz Commands:
- Reinitialize VibeTonz
- Enumerate devices
- Reset License Key
- Reset Mobile Settings
- Device Priority > See, Increase, Decrease Priority
- Open Device
- Close Device
- Terminate Device
- ActiveSync/Mobile Device Center
- What products use haptics?
- USB Advanced Network Functionality
- Download Immersion VibeTonz Studio Development Kit (Required)
- Download VibeTonz Ressources
- Bug Report
- "SplashScreen" window always stay on top to make a list of available cursors (v.1.9.0)
- Timer Optimization (v.1.9.0)
- Stability and bug fixes (v.1.8.1)
- Screen definition detection (v.1.7.0)
- Multiple Monitors (Virtual Desktop) support (v.1.7.0)
- Desktop composition compatibility improved (v.1.7.0)
- Faster pixel detection (v.1.7.0)
- Cursor Motion detection (v.1.7.0)
- Mouse Boutons detection (v.1.7.0)
- Ready for International languages (v.1.6.1)
- Stability and bug fixes for international version (v.1.6.1)
- New feature: "Block Mouse" in "Force Settings" window (v.1.6.1)
- New software protector (v.1.6.0)
- Explorer crashes detection: if explorer crashes, the iFeelPixel Icon in Sistray appears again (v.1.6.0)
- "Stop all effects!" do not set anymore cursor behavior to normal speed (v.1.5.3)
- Option Button "No Mass" added in Falcon Settings to disable Force for secondary effects.
- Grab the status bar with left-button to move the form (v.1.5.1)
- TouchSense Plugin stability improved (v.1.5.0)
- Stability and bug fixes (v.1.4.6)
- The software automatically detects if the Falcon is calibrated (v.1.4.5)
- Novint Falcon Settings: if position Z is disabled, the zoom is not controled by Z-axis (v.1.4.4)
- Texture Options: Magnitude Amplificator Slider optimized for the Novint Falcon (v.1.4.4)
- Select window or area settings: "Automatic Invisiblity" after any selection (v.1.4.3)
- Memory leaks because virtualization are corrected (v.1.4.3)
- "Filter RGB" in Color Detection is not anymore checked if Edge Detector is activated (v.1.4.3)
- "Filter Threshold" in Color Detection is controled by the main Threshold (v.1.4.2)
- Zoom value Controled by Novint Falcon Z-axis is reversed (v.1.4.2)
- Tactile Grid effect optimized for Tactile Mobile (v.1.4.2)
- Start/Stop Immersion VibeTonz Service (v.1.4.2)
- Tactile Mobile effects cannot be edited if VibeTonz is reinitializing (v.1.4.2)
- View > Desktop Composition > Enable/Disable via command (v.1.4.1)
- We added 2 new type of sliders in the "Force Settings" windows.
These sliders allow to generate advanced textures sensations: Positive (Right or down directions) and Negative (Left or Up directions) (v.1.4.0)
To unlock the Advanced Texture feature, the Professional edition of iFeelPixel TactileWare is required.

- Advanced Texture Generation Algorythm improved (v.1.4.0)
- New setup executable automatically disables desktop composition and run as Admin (v.1.4.0)
- Stability and bug fixes (v.1.3.3)
- Interface optimized: Cursor Behavior added (User can determine the cursor speed) (v.1.3.3)
- Compatibility improved for windows 7 (Application virtualization made with Boxedapp packer, side-by-side feature) (v.1.3.3)
- Reduce Memory Usage (v.1.3.3)
- Window detector improved: "High precision" checkbox added. It works with HWND (v.1.2.5)
- We added a new slider in the "Force Settings" windows.
This slider allows the software to decrease (slowly or quickly) the force
when there is no pixel detected (v.1.2.3)
- Visual Force Feedback (Pseudo-haptic developed in collaboration with INRIA) motion is much more precise than before (decimal precision). (v.1.3.3)
That's mean iFeelPixel software can simulate realistic pseudo-tactile sensations without a haptic interface.
Open File Menu > Visual Force Feedback (keyboard shortcut: Ctrl+ F1)
Tactile Images: feeling the relief of images (View the Flash video)
Others updates
- "Monitoring selection" renamed to "Pixel Detection" (v.1.9.0)
- "Attract" renamed to "Slow", "Repel" renamed to "Fast" (v.1.9.0)
- Sliders reset to maximal value for Edge, Color, Grid and Texture features (v.1.9.0)
- Novint web site links updated (v.1.6.3)
- Installer updated: Default path is the "Application Data Folder" for the current user (v.1.6.2)
- Internet links updated in "Force Ressources" window (v.1.6.1)
- "Software updates" moved to help Menu (v.1.6.1)
- Registry keys added to disable or enable mouse acceleration (v.1.6.1)
- Button "Reset value" in Falcon Settings reset Mass/Force to value 5 (v.1.5.3)
- Registry keys folder added in setup (v.1.5.3)
- Uninstall icon updated (v.1.5.3)
- New icons for internet shortcuts (v.1.5.3)
- Splashscreen enhanced (v.1.5.3)
- "Swap buttons" added in "Force Settings" (v.1.5.0)
- Menu shortcut to "Force Settings" added in Edge, Color, Grid, Texture (v.1.4.5)
- "Exit" renamed to "Hide" in "mouse limitation" (v.1.4.5)
- Link updated for the immersion web page in help > about (v.1.4.5)
- Credits / EULA updated (v.1.4.5)
- "Check Software Updates" renamed to "Software Updates" (v.1.4.4)
- New link "Cursor Behavior Support" added in "Force Settings" help menu (v.1.4.3)
- "Speed and Force settings" renamed to "Force Settings" (v.1.4.2)
- "IVT size", "Max Nested repeats" and "Max Duraction effect" added in advanced Tactile Mobile Effects (v.1.4.2)
- "Show/Hide iFeelPixel" updated in icon sisytray (v.1.4.2)
- Delete Texture Preset (v.1.4.0)
- Icon Menu updated (v.1.3.3)
- Limited Zone Updated: unused buttons removed (v.1.3.3)
- "Force settings" menu updated with "Disable enhance pointer precision" (v.1.2.5), "Control Panel" (v.1.3.3) and "Texture Settings..." (v.1.4.0)
- The following features: Edge detection, color detection (color selector), tactile Grid, Texture generation and TONAR (windows attraction) have been updated and improved for Novint Falcon (Force Feedback Hardware). We added the Z-axis in the Grid option and Texture option. (v.1.2.3)
- Immersion Plugin agreement is automatically accepted (v.1.2.3)
- "TouchSense Information" updated (v.1.1.1)
- "Full screen" button added in "Limited Zone": switch between full screen or window (v.1.1.1)
- "Show shortcut Menu" Checkbox: Show icon Menu if the window is already selected (v.1.1.1)
- "Bug Report" updated for the Tactile Mobile (v.1.0.0)
- "Tactile Feedback" updated for Edge, line, corner, color detection (v.1.0.0)
- "Delete file settings" added (v.1.0.0)
- Visual Feedback renamed to "Visual Force Feedback" (v.1.0.0)
- "Clipboard viewer" moved to "clipboard window" (v.1.0.0)
- Volume Slider renamed to "Strength" slider (v.1.0.0)
Keyboards shortcuts updated
- Typo
and spelling corrected
- Help
and "Readme" updated
- Text
options updated
- Messages
box updated
- Status
bar updated
- Tooltip's
- Links updated
- Toolbar updated
- "Splashscreen" updated with Novint Logo.
- Help > "About" updated with Novint Logo.
- "EULA / Credits" updated.
Know issues
List of known issues in this version of iFeelPixel:
. Cannot detect cursor state on different Operating Systems (fixed v.1.9.0)
. Grid feature for Novint Falcon: Left and Middle buttons was inverted (fixed v.1.9.0)
. Open 2 browser tabs when user open a web page (fixed v.1.8.1)
. Slow pixel detector with modern video games (fixed v.1.7.0)
. It does not detect correctly screen definition updates (fixed v.1.7.0)
. It does not work with multiple monitors and virtual desktop (fixed v.1.7.0)
. Installer updated for standard users without admin rights (fixed v.1.6.1)
. "Stop all effects!" set cursor behavior to normal speed (fixed v.1.5.3)
. Button "Reset value" in Falcon Settings reset Mass/Force to old value 2 (fixed v.1.5.3)
. Morse is not working correctly if another feature is activated (fixed v.1.5.1)
. Error message on Exit, because library and process are not correctly unloaded and terminated (fixed v.1.5.0)
. "Keyboard Piano" and "Keyboard quick shortcut" are not working without administrator rights (fixed with setup executable v.1.4.0)
. Start-up with windows is not working (corrected v.1.3.5 it works on any user account)
Internet Explorer is corrupted… how do I fix it?
. Tactile Feedback (TouchSense Technology) is disabled for Grid and Texture because Toolbar stop Immersion Effects (fixed v.1.3.4)
. Haptic Adapter is not correctly initialized before Restoring Novint Setting (fixed v.1.3.4)
. Small textures are not correctly functioning with the Novint Falcon (fixed v.1.4.0 with new magnitude amplificator)
. If a backup setting is deleted, its name is not deleted in List Box (fixed v.1.3.3)
. Visual Color does not reset correctly the cursor speed (It must be stopped directly without increase or decrease) (fixed v.1.3.0)
. Color and Novint Falcon: Problem occurs with force feedback when strentgh value is 30% (fixed v.1.3.0)
. Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 run-time files (required but included v.1.2.4)
. Bug in TONAR (corrected v.1.2.4)
. Installation of F-gen/NVeNT/HDAL beta is recommended for Novint Falcon users. (v.1.2.4)
. Visual Force Feedback: the cursor speed is not correctly set if the value is under 1 (v.1.1.1).
. HapticLibrary.dll is missing in the software defender folder (v.1.1.1).
. Installation of Immersion VibeTonz Studio is required for tactile mobile users (we are working with Immersion Corporation to offer an alternative solution). (v.1.0.0)
See USB Advanced Network Functionality for Mobile Device Center/ActiveSync troobleshootings.
Note: Mobile Device Center or ActiveSync should be already installed and configured on your machine.
. Mobile devices names does not appear on Icon Systray, no vibetonz logo (v.1.0.0)
. Fatal Error (Novint Falcon): The dynamic link library 'FTD2XX.dll' could not be found (v.0.9.0).
Solution: Please download and install D2XX Drivers
. Fix For Non English Users issue: International compatibility with international version of MicroSoft Windows. Download the international package for iFeelPixel.
· Narrator issue with windows XP SP2 discovered, please download and install english package:
· Narrator issue with windows Vista discovered: users cannot select the source of sound engine. The sounds are played on sound card, but they cannot be listened via speackers.
The ability to choose a different hardware or software MIDI synthesizer other than the default Microsoft GS Wavetable Software synth has been removed from the user interface for audio configuration in Windows Vista. A different output MIDI synth or output device port can be selected only by editing the registry.
Solution: Right-click on the Volume Mixer icon in the taskbar. That opens the sound settings window. The green “checkmark” should be on your Speakers device (which is attached to your sound card). Disable the other audio output engine listed in Playback Tab.
The list of known issues in all versions of iFeelPixel is available at:
· Error handler for beta tester
If an error occurs, you see an error description on screen and you have 3 choices:
ABORT (Abrupt termination of iFeelPixel program execution and iFeelPixel process running)
RETRY (Performs the action of retrying the action whose failure posted the DialogBox)
IGNORE (Ignore last error generated by iFeelPixel software)
Please be sure to review the list of known issues before submitting a
bug. But if you do find a problem that isn't included on the known
issues list, please let us know by reporting the bug:
Available Features
Main Features:
-----------File Menu----------------------------------------------------------------------- - Force Settings (Force Safety for Novint Falcon and Timer Interval)
- Force Ressource (For Immersion TouchSense Technology)
- Application Data Folder
- Change Language --> Language List --> Export Language --> Language Translator
- Pixel Detection (Previously Monitoring Selection)
- Mouse limitation
- Startup with windows
- Saving/Exporting/Importing/Resetting/Deleting Settings
- Visual Force Feedback
- Haptic feedback
--> Rumble Feedback
--> Vibro-Tactile Feedback
--> Tactile Feedback
--> Force Feedback
- Auditory Feedback
--> Sound Card Feedback
--> Internal PC speakers
--> Narrator Voices
- Multimodal (All)
- Edge detection
- Line detection
- Corner detection
- Color Detection
- Grid Generation
- Texture Generation
- Play/Stop
- Magnifier
- Demo mode
- Keyboard Piano
- Morse Engine
- TONAR (Tactile Orientation Navigation And Ranging)
- Metronome System
------------------------------View Menu---------------------------------------------------
- Main Display : Stay on top, center of screen, Opacity window
- Enable / Disable Desktop Composition
- Modify iFeelPixel CPU priority
- Optimize Memory - American Sign Language
- Control Panel
- TouchSense information
iFeelPixel TactileWare